
Showing posts from March, 2018

week 4; the architecture

3 Images of MODEL: This was the final 'draft' of the model and then I changed it because it doesn't respond to what the assignment needed. this is the top view of the final model, the colourful domes like structure is the gallery, there are two, one for each of the clients.  This is a cross section of the whole thing, the bottom building is for revival cycles and the top is Gucci, the is a shaft from revival cycles leading to its own gallery.  The following pictures are for the revival cycles. The building for revival cycles has 2 levels, the top level is office works, with computers, tables and a meeting room, as well as boards for reminders or pinning up designs and prints.  on the top level: computers, tables and board. the stairs leading the lower level of the building of revival cycles an awkward angle of the lower level from stairs at the bottom level, there is the stairs, and the production of the bikes ...


SUPER MATERIALS 36 words in three categories: Middle words: Fuzzy, Straight, Sinuous, Jagged, Angular, Loose, Light, Concave, Convex, Proportioned, Curly, Tapered Bottom words: Plentiful, Concentric, Visceral, Symmetrical, Long, Fragmented, Weaved, Flexible, Asymmetrical, Geometric, Strong Top words: Scaley, Silky, Porous, Miniture, Short, Grainy, Lumpy, Glossy, Brittle, Corrugated, Molecular. 3 TEXTURES: TEXTURE 1:  this is MOLECULAR  This is MOLECULAR on the support on my stairs in sketchup.   This is MOLECULAR in a repeat pattern on sketchup. (Zoom in on the support of the stairs). TEXTURE 2: this is WEAVE Weave on the top staircase Weave close up TEXTURE 3: This is FUZZY FUZZY on the top buildling in SU FUZZY   in different perspectives.  Model UPDATE: I have laid out the beginnings of the m...

week 2; the Stairs

THE STAIRS Brain storming stairs for my building.  - Cantilevered stairs - Spiral stairs - Suspended stairs - Stairs that is part of the building piece (holes in the wall that are for the feet to climb up and down) Rough ideas for the stairs  Stair sections Half Paced stairs: Spiral Stairs: Simple stairs with structure supporting the stairs: I really like this image  4 STAIRS: 8 SECTIONS: Straight floating stairs: has steel bars to support the stairs and glass panel with wooden railings on both sides of the stairs Straight stairs: simple, made of concrete with 'floating' wooden railings attached to the walls.  Suspended stairs: wooded stair platform lifted buy wooden supports coming from the ceiling. Another straight stars with supported hanging at the the edge of each stair platform and going into the ground. Simple railings, made of steel and the stair made of...